Friday, February 18, 2011

Blog Termination

We have been informed we should not be using a blog for stake athletics. We will be closing the blog shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience! Please stay informed by contacting your ward sports coordinators. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Women's Basketball

Women's Basketball will be starting Thursday, January 13th at the Stake Center. I have not received rosters from most of the wards, so I'm planning on combining wards to make 4 teams. There will be 2 games each week. There's also a mandatory coaches meeting that evening at 7:00 pm. Please see that someone is there to represent your ward.

Please see your ward sports coordinator to sign the roster ASAP! If I do not have a roster for your ward, your ward will NOT participate. Thanks!

Eagle Mountain North

Women’s Stake Basketball Schedule 2011

Eagle’s Gate & Highlands 1st __________1

Highlands 2nd ____________________2

Mt. Airey & Rock Creek __________3

Kennekuk & Willow Springs _______________4

Thursday, January 13

MANDATORY Coaches Meeting at 7:00 pm

7:30 pm 1 vs 2

8:30 pm 3 vs 4

Thursday, January 20

Ref training location & time TBD

Thursday, January 27

6:30 pm 2 vs 3

7:30 pm 1 vs 4

Thursday, February 3

6:30 pm 4 vs 2

7:30 pm 1 vs 3

Thursday, February 10

6:30 pm 1 vs 4

7:30 pm 2 vs 3

*We will play 20-minute halves with a running clock, except for the last 2 minutes of the game the clock will stop unless the spread is more than 15 points. You need 5 players to start without forfeiting and game time is forfeit time, so please come early.

** You are allowed 3 – 60-second timeouts and 2 – 30-second timeouts per game. Any leftover will carry over into overtime, if applicable. You’ll also receive an extra timeout in overtime.

*** Please keep your children in the gym area and remember to clean up after them. Thanks!

Each week you will receive points for the following:

1 Point - Team participation (a full team of at least 5 players, no forfeits)

2 Points - Sportsmanship during the game (including spectators)

1 Point - Winning the game


4 Points possible per game

Thanks Ladies!

We’re looking forward to an exciting and fun basketball season!

(EG) Aimee Francom Stake Sports Coordinator: (801) 310-0041 Email:

(WS) Ashley Crossley Stake Sports Specialist: (801) 623-3159 Email:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ref Training CANCELED

The ref training we had scheduled for this Thursday is CANCELED. It will be rescheduled. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Ref training is scheduled for Thursday, January 6th at 7:30 pm at the Stake Center for all stake called officials. Anyone who's interested in learning how the games will be officiated may attend. It is NOT limited to called officials.

MANDATORY coaches meeting, for both men and women, is scheduled for Thursday, January 13th at 7:00 pm at the Stake Center. Women's basketball games will follow that night and men's basketball games will begin on Saturday, January 15th at 8:00 am.

Schedules will be posted soon. Please send Chris and Aimee the numbers of those interested in playing from your ward. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Men's Flag Football

Congratulations to the Highlands 1st Ward for winning the Championship. It was a great game between Highlands 2nd and Highlands 1st that went into overtime. Thanks to all that made this a fun and successful season. Look for some news on the upcoming basketball season to start mid-January.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Women's Volleyball Tournament

Sorry, but we're not going to be having a Women's Stake Volleyball Tournament. Sister Beck is having a General RS Auxiliary Training the evening of November 19th, which is the only day we could reserve the stake center.

We're beginning the planning for basketball season and will hope for a more structured season of volleyball next year! Thank you to everyone who has participated in the volleyball season!

Men's Flag Football Tournament

Men's Flag Football Tournament continues this Saturday, November 13th.

12:00 pm Willow Springs vs Highlands 1st
1:00 pm Eagle's Gate vs Highlands 2nd
2:30 pm Winner of the 2 prior games

Eagle's Gate & Highlands 2nd are responsible for reffing the 12:00 pm game.
Willow Springs & Highlands 1st are responsible for reffing the 1:00 pm game.
